Monday, May 16, 2011

Sticking with the Butterfly Mani

I loved my last butterfly mani so much that I wanted to stick with the butterfly theme. I also really wanted a chance to use my new brushes. I had seen a stamped butterfly somewhere out there that had been colored in with a different color and I remember thinking that it looked really pretty. I wasn't going to be happy with just one butterfly though so I did a whole bunch... 30 to be exact. After doing the butterflies I also decided to add some pink flowers. This design makes me think of a coloring book :)

For this mani I used two coats of WnW French White Creme. I stamped the designs using WnW Black Creme. The designs are from MASH set M20 and M60 as well as from Fauxnad plate B21. I then used the four art deco polishes pictured above to fill in the designs using my smallest nail brush. I topped the whole thing with SV as usual. 


  1. Aww thanks everyone :) I am going to start experimenting more with filling in the stamps. It makes the stamps look so fun!

  2. OMG! Love this. You are so talented!

  3. Stunning! You did an awesome job!

  4. Wow, you did such a great job with this!! It looks flawless! I love love love it! :)

  5. Thanks everyone :) I am glad everyone likes this!! I will definitely be doing more like this. Thanks for the comments!

  6. Oh, Jess, that's so beautiful!!

  7. This is so awesome! And can I say, I think it would have been easy to go with a color for the base coat (like yellow or something) but the design just POPS with the white base. Again, awesome.

  8. Thanks Christina and BMR :) I was thinking about doing a yellow or light pink next time I do a filled in design like this... any light color would work. Glad you both like this design!!


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